Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Lessons in investing business by Mark Skousen
Lessons in investing business by Mark Skousen Investing In One Lesson by Mark Skousen reveals the main principle of the investing business and can be called a guideline for those who want to succeed in this business.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Lessons in investing business by Mark Skousen specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The main values of this book include Skousen’s great experience in this area and the simplicity of his explanations and examples. To my mind the book under consideration can be very helpful for starters and professionals as well. Even Skousen points out the exclusive importance of education and stresses that it is very important to â€Å"take time to educate yourself, to research ways to become more proficient in your own job or business†(Skousen 15). Investing In One Lesson lists the main questions that occur to the majority of investors and gives simple and competent answers. Admittedly, investing business is one of the m ost complicated and unpredictable; that is why it is very important to know the main laws of this world. The book under consideration contains all the necessary information to understand what this business is and the ways how to escape losses and obtain profits. To my mind this book is very helpful and readable due to its proximity to life, since Skousen don’t give the theory, he provides very illustrative examples considering famous companies, such as Yahoo, or Miramar Mining, etc. The book depicts different situations companies face, the ways how companies act, and the results of their actions. I’d like to point out that Skousen repeats one statement from the very beginning through the whole book: â€Å"The business of investing is not the same as investing in a business†(Skousen 3). After reading this book I understood that this statement is really true and this knowledge helped me understand better investing business. Now I understand that main rules that are good for leading business cannot be applied to investing business. Another point that pleasantly surprised me in this book that Skousen admits that losses in this business are quite often and he doesn’t say he never lost money while operating in this business. To my mind, it is very important to remember about the possible losses, and I think that the value of investing business consultants’ portfolio cannot be their doubtful â€Å"invincibility†, but ratio of the amount of gained money to the amount of lost money.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thus, Investing In One Lesson describes the possible ways how to cope with inevitable difficulties in investing business. After reading this book I learned that one of the main points in making success in investing business is the necessity to limit one’s â€Å"investment choices to those that suit†one’s â€Å"natural disposition†(Skousen 143). Skousen proves that it is necessary to focus on limited number of affairs you know and can deal with. To my mind this is the clue to making success, since one only wastes his/her time and money on knowing better new markets or new business, instead of making progress in the familiar sphere. I would also like to point out that Skousen is a supporter of economic theory of Austrian school, suggesting that government intervention in business should be minimized, and economic principles should be restricted by human motivations. These views can be also traced in the book under consideration. I’d like to point out that Investing In One Lesson broaden my knowledge in investing business and made me understand that it is possible to gain success in this sphere, giving some useful hints. Skousen, M. Investing In One Lesson. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2007.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Honor the Brave With Happy Veterans Day Quotes
Honor the Brave With Happy Veterans Day Quotes Veterans of combat have hurled grenades and bombs and shot bullets. Theyve defended their brothers in arms and sometimes watched them fall to the firepower of the enemy. They have gone onto the battlefield, in fighter planes and bombers, on ships and submarines prepared to give the last full measure of devotion. They deserve that same devotion from a grateful nation every day, but one day Veterans Day is set aside especially to show that appreciation.Some of these famous Veterans Day quotes will bring a tear to your eyes. Cherish these words of inspiration and if you know a veteran, let him or her know how much you appreciate their devotion to their country. Veterans Day Quotes Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address ... We cannot dedicate we cannot consecrate we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. Patrick HenryThe battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Napoleon BonaparteVictory belongs to the most persevering. Thomas JeffersonFrom time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots. John F. KennedyA young man who does not have what it takes to perform military service is not likely to have what it takes to make a living. George S. PattonThe object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. George WashingtonThe willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of early wars were treated and appreciated by our nation. Mark TwainIn the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. Sidney Sheldon My heroes are those who risk their lives every day to protect our world and make it a better place police, firefighters and members of our armed forces. Jose NaroskyIn war, there are no unwounded soldiers. Sun Tzu Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys. Look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death! Cynthia OzickWe often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. Dwight D. EisenhowerNeither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him. ThucydidesThe secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom, courage. G. K. ChestertonCourage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die. Michel de MontaigneValor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul. Kevin Hearne, TrickedAs any war veteran will tell you, there is a vast difference between preparing for battle and actually facing battle for the first time. Bernard MalamudWithout heroes, we are all plain people and dont know how far we can go. Carol Lynn PearsonHeroes take journeys, confront dragons and discover the treasure of their true selves. James A. AutryI believe it is the nature of people to be heroes, given the chance. Benjamin DisraeliNurture your minds with great thoughts; to believe in the heroic makes heroes.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
William Shakespeare's Influence on his Period Research Paper
William Shakespeare's Influence on his Period - Research Paper Example Queen Elizabeth had strong foreign policies and tactical diplomacy, and this encouraged migration of from the two power states France and Spain. About the same period of Shakespeare’s career, religious reformations were taking place, and England was in the middle of the reformations as Queen Elizabeth reign gave freedom of religion between the Catholic and the Protestants. The Queen’s ambiguity on the issue of religion gave Shakespeare a good environment for his play. Shakespeare’s religion remains uncertain but some people believe he was Catholic, as were his parents (Huxley). However, Shakespeare brought up he daughter as a Protestant. Those who say he was Catholic base their arguments on his works saying that the scripts depict Catholic beliefs. Characters in his plays show their devotion to the saints. This is true, but we should remember that a playwright’s work does not necessarily represent his or her beliefs. The society in the Elizabethan times be lieved in a universal order of things, or the Great Chain of Being. All the things in the universe had their rightful place, from the angel to the plants and elements. The human race was above the animals and the plants, but the human soul and God were higher up the hierarchy. The plays by Shakespeare incorporated these beliefs (Hylton). Characters in the play follow this hierarchy, and they are punished if they do not align with the order. The serious relationships in his play follow this order of being, and commonly carry the plot of the play. An instance is in the play A Midsummer’s Night Dream where Titania is under a love spell. She is destined to fall in love with the creatures that she sets her eyes on first, which turns out to be Nick bottom, a weaver. This relationship highlights the violation of the order of being. At the end of the play, the mistakes are rectified and the Queen and king of the Fairies reunite. The other couple also reunites and they live happily ev er after. All the serious relationship that Shakespeare creates complies with the Great Chain of Being (Ackroyd 321). Hence, Shakespeare seems to be advocating to the hierarchy in the society. The English Renaissance period had interests in Greek and Latin classics. Some of his plays have classical characters and settings, like Venus and Adonis, Rape of Lucrece, and Julius Caesar. Some of the critics have analyzed the use of classical setting as effects of school study of works from Ovid, Plutarch, and Livy (AbsoluteShakespeare). Nevertheless, Shakespeare also used the tragic hero, a persona described by Socrates in classical literature. This is notable in the plays King Lear, and Macbeth. Still in the plays Macbeth and King Lear, Shakespeare reflects the issue of independent in women. Lady Macbeth mock and manipulates his husbands, in contrast to what The Courtier had stipulated. The Courtier was a handbook for the society in the Renaissance era, and stipulated that a woman’ s duty was to please a man. In King Lear, the daughters of the king influence their husbands and are not subservient to their father. The illustration of independent women in his play might have had an influence from the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, but might as well be reflecting Shakespeare’s idea of gender equality (McEvoy 230). Female characters in plays by Shakespeare violate the regulations observed by the society and succeed in their own ways. In conclusion, Shakespeare’s works import settings from outside the Elizabethan era. An analysis of his works reflects that
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Introduction to Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Introduction to Business - Assignment Example While raising capital to start a small business, an individual can start by financing the businesses himself. Several benefits such as retaining all the profits are associated with this form of financing, but if a small business need to grow large then it needs to look for other options (Alterowitz, 2007. P.14). Next best alternative is to ask for assistance from family members and relatives for finance. For this purpose an entrepreneur has to make the effort of making his relatives realize that he/she has a great investment plan and will be quite successful. In very rare instances family and friends invest in a business; if an entrepreneur faces such a scenario, he/she can obtain assistance from the government (Great Britain, 2006, p.18). Government has various plans where they finance small businesses or provide money in shape of grants to entrepreneurs to start up their own business. If an entrepreneur is not eligible for such government support options, the business can obtain a loan from banks to start small businesses. Due to failure of large businesses and the risk of high amount of loss associated with large businesses, banks and governments are more willing to finance small businesses. One of the major decision made by a manger is to identify the cost of producing a product and then price the product according to make profit when they sell their goods and services. For this purpose they can use activity based costing method, by using this method they can calculate the cost of an activity.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Separation of Powers Essay Example for Free
Separation of Powers Essay The major objective of this essay is to defend the assertion that separation of power in Zambia is relative. This essay will begin by giving a brief description of the concept Separation of Powers. executive, legislature and the judiciary. Thereafter, a Main Body shall provide a detailed discussion over the assertion after which a conclusion will be given to summarise the discussion. According to the online business dictionary, Separation of Powers is a constitutional principle that limits the powers vested in any person or institution. It is this principle that divides government authority into three branches namely the Executive (President or Prime Minister and the cabinet), Legislature (Parliament or Senate) and the Judiciary (Chief justice and other Judges). From this definition, Separation of Powers entails that each organ of the state, namely t will perform its functions without undue interference from the other organs. Each organ therefore, should be left to do what is assigned to it under the constitution. If any organ is not performing well it ought to be reminded and its performance monitored by way of accountability. This is not interference but a system of checks and balances in the interest of good government. But separation of powers does not mean insulation of powers because the three organs of the State, particularly the Executive and the Legislature, are at one level or another bound to interact and indeed complement each other in the running of the affairs of the State (World bank, 1992). The executive branch of the government of Zambia is made up of the chief of state president Michael Sata; vice president Guy Scott; the president is both the chief of state and head of government. Cabinet is appointed by the president from among the members of the national assembly. Chief of state includes the name and title of the titular leader of the country who represents the state at official and ceremonial functions but may not be involved with the day to day activities of government. Head of government includes the name and title of the top administrative leader who is designated to manage the day to day activities of government. For example in the UK the monarchy is the chief of state while the prime minister is the head of government. The legislative arm of the government; unicameral National assembly in Zambia is made up of 158 seats, 150 are elected by a popular vote, 8 members are nominated by the president to serve 5year terms (Bratton, 1994). Some of the functions of the legislature include; a) Impeach the president for gross misconduct, commission of a criminal offence or violation of the constitution; b) Remove the president, cabinet ministers or any other official holding constitutional office such as the Chief Justice, Supreme Court and High Court Judges by a vote of no confidence for incompetence; c) Approve the national budget and make alterations without changing the total figure; d) Scrutinize public expenditure as well as Defense, Constitutional and special expenditure; e) Ratify the declaration of a state of emergency and approve its extension; f) Ratify the country’s foreign policy and international treaties to be entered into on behalf of the country; g) Create public offices; h) Dissolve itself. The judiciary is made up of the court system of Zambia, these include; Supreme Court (final court of appeal; justices area appointed by the president), High Court (has unlimited jurisdiction to hear civil and criminal cases, Magistrate’s court and Lo cal court (ibid). The constitution stipulates a hybrid form of government; a mixture of presidentialism with elements of the Westminster tradition of parliamentary democracy. The current system is, however, closer to the presidential model with delegated powers, and even â€Å"close to the top end of the range of presidential powers†(Burnell 2003: 48). As in other presidential systems the distribution of power between the legislative (parliament) and the executive (the presidency), is unbalanced in favour of the latter. As the 1995 Constitution review commission clearly spelled out: the president is in a position to â€Å"exercise a dominant influence on the legislature†; and â€Å"no sufficient countervailing safeguards are in place to check the executive branch and thus balance the powers†(GRZ 1995: 15, 17). One, if only formal, indication of the weakness of parliament in the Third Republic might be that the average number of bills passed did not exceed that of its predecessors in the First or Second republics. The legislature and even single MPs have various means of controlling the government and initiating legislation. These include the private member bills, Standing Orders, parliamentary questions, the Committee of Supply, the Public Accounts Committee, the Estimates Committee, the Committee on Government Assurances, the Committee on Delegated Legislation, before 1999, seven departmental orientated ‘watch-dog’ committees, as well as the ad-hoc select committees which can consider the ratification of presidential nominations to official appointments such as the attorney-general, Supreme Court judges or the governor of the Bank of Zambia. The problem with all the committees and the provisions for individual MPs to get a hold on the government is that – despite MPs’ lack of special expertise due to shifting membership in committees as well as the lack of support staff it provides â€Å"answerability†without â€Å"enforceability†, which is essential for an â€Å"effective instrument of accountability†(Burnell 2002: 307). The vast MMD majority until 2001 and the ability of government to control and monopolize the legislative timetable made parliament even weaker, although MMD MPs were by no means under the strict control of the party whip or leadership. Since the MMD lost its majority in the 2001 elections and experienced more serious internal factionalism, there are clear indications that the government has to be more responsive to parliament. However, through the powerful position of the Assembly Speaker the ruling party and the government is still largely able to control Assembly p rocedures. A similar context applies to those institutions that are supposed to be instruments of horizontal accountability, such as the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), the Office of the Auditor-General, the Commission for Investigations, the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), the ECZ and the HRC. These institutions have been proven largely ineffectual, although the courts have sometimes made rulings against the government. Again, there seems to be some improvement since 2001, which, however, seems to be well calculated and directed by the Mwanawasa government at least in the case of the ACC, when the latter was allowed to investigate corruption cases of the Chiluba government. The reason why these institutions are unable to make an impact is because, although legally autonomous, they have very few powers (apart from one exception; the ACC cannot initiate prosecution on its own), and are financially dependent on the government. They are chronically underfunded and despite being presidential appointees, all commission heads do have secure conditions of service. These institutions are therefore highly sensitive to signals coming from the Office of the President, which prompted the MMD’s first Minister for Legal Affairs Rodger Chongwe to refer to them as â€Å"agencies of illusion†GRZ (1999: 104). The Republican Constitution provides for impeachment proceedings against the president for violations of the constitution (Article 37). This provision is difficult to implement and needs a one-third majority in parliament to debate a motion alleging the president has committed â€Å"any violation of the Constitution or any gross misconduct†, while a two-thirds majority is then necessary to start an investigation by a tribunal appointed by the chief justice. If this tribunal finds that â€Å"the particulars of any allegation specified in the motion have been substantiated†, the National Assembly might by a motion of not less than two-thirds resolve that the president has been guilty. Only then shall the president cease to hold office. All attempts to impeach the president have failed in the past. Legally the civil service is non-partisan, but in practice the administration has often been politicized. This is not only a heritage of the old one-party system and a legacy of neopatrimonial rule, but has also been employed deliberately by the new administration. One case in point is Chiluba’s introduction of the post of district administrators (DAs), which are political appointees to direct politics at the district level under his control. The partisan application of the Public Order Act by the police in favour of the ruling party in the run-up to elections is another example. Generally, what has come to be known as ‘rampant’ or ‘endemic’ corruption in the cabinet and other state bodies is only possible with a willing civil service. In an authoritarian political and administrative culture where superiors are not supposed to be challenged and ‘hints’ by superiors are taken as ‘orders’, and in which legal-rational procedures are not regularly adhered to, but irregular (not to say illegal) actions or non-actions are taken as ‘normal’, the civil service cannot be non-partisan but is an instrument of the ruling party. Peter Burnell’s analysis of the endemic â€Å"financial indiscipline†clearly shows that the political and administrative framework for this â€Å"enjoys active connivance from senior government figures and is an entrenched feature of the politico-administrative culture†(Burnell 2001b: 49) in other words: it is deliberately nurtured by the political elite for personal and political gain. At present, local government is not only dysfunctional in its set up but is in many respects derelict.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Themes of Ordinary People by Judith Guest :: essays research papers
There are many themes that occur and can be interpreted differently throughout the novel. The three main themes that stand out most are healing, communication, and relationships. Ordinary People starts off already in a broken world. Buck has died, and Conrad has already attempted suicide, therefore, healing is a main focus throughout the book. Beth and Calvin’s marriage is also very rocky and they together are trying to see if things will work out by healing and saving their relationship. Judith Guest shows the journey through Conrad’s life and his progress to becoming completely healed. Beth and Calvin’s relationship is also monitored and in the end just goes downhill by Beth leaving. Lack of communication and poor communication is a big problem in the novel. Beth thinks she and Conrad have poor communication. This is clear when Beth gets mad at Conrad be cause wasn’t the first to know that he quit swim team. Calvin and Beth have communication issues too. They always have different views on things. Beth wanted to go on vacation and Calvin thought it was best to stay home until Conrad is settled again. Calvin wants to talk about everyone’s problems when Beth feels it’s best to move on, and forget about the past and only think about the future. Their lack of communication to agree on things turns their marriage from good to bad and Beth ends up leaving Calvin and Conrad. Relationships are a major issue in the book. Beth and Calvin’s, and Calvin and Conrad’s are the two main relationships that have problems. First off, Beth and Calvin have a very poor relationship from lack of communication. They both have different views and the just really never click anymore. Calvin tries to go to Dr. Berger for advice and in the end their marriage crumbles and Beth leaves the family. Calvin and Conrad don’t have a very strong relation ship in the beginning because Calvin wants to sit around waiting for Conrad to heal and feels he‘s never good enough for Conrad, and Conrad just wants to go back to his regular life he had before and he also never really appreciated his dad.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Practical Education vs Theoretical Education Essay
Nepal is backward in education system till today’s modern times due to the theoretical knowledge and rote learning. Theoretical education is based on text books and Practical education is based on various types of skills and technique. In Nepal, most priority is given to the theoretical education rather than practical as curriculum is based on it. Some of schools has adopted the practical approach of teaching-learning activities but majority are lacking. Theoretical education priorities only on the texts books and it is exam-oriented as well. Most of the contents or topics of our curriculum is not useful in our very life. Moreover, one of my friends told me that Nepal can never make a progress until and unless this (theoretical) education system is modified. I’m too totally agree with my friend view that if the curriculum or education pattern is not alter, country would be in same condition as it is, for more few years. Till now, we are adopting traditional approach of educational practice based on theory. Likewise, Rote Learning is an technique which avoids understanding of a subject and instead focusing on memorization. Rote learning is often view as a bad practice which is not good for the students. It makes students dull, unskilled, less creativity and many more. In Nepal, If the students don’t understood the topic, teacher encourages students for rote learning rather teaching the contents thoroughly from the first. In addition to, Practical education supports students’ to grab up skills which helps them to stand independently in any jobs and works. They will able to learn by understanding and doing practically in their life. Teachers also must use the practical methods of teaching day to day which helps to bring creativeness to students and make the students provide suitable logic and understanding about the subject matter. Rote Learning is practiced in subjects like Science, Social and Nepali. However, the new trend has been discovered which involves the rote learning of subjects like Math. Students couldn’t understand the methods taught by teacher because of less practical method. So, they rote learn them by mathematical methods. To conclude, it seems that the necessity of the practical based education in Nepal is a must. For that, the main role that our government can play is to change present curriculum and bring about changes which includes 80% practical knowledge and remaining as theoretical. Also, there can be a class where students are taught on the international and national issues.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Choosing the Best Method of Service Desk Automation for a Growing Government
Organizations and companies come up with plan that are aimed at ensuring their success in meeting the needs of their customers as a step towards the achievement of organizational goals. Therefore, planning is the first step towards the realization of a companies goals as laid down by its vision and mission statement. Coming up with a good policy is not good enough if any organization is to meet its goals and thus communication of the goals to all members of the organization is equally important in the realization of the goals.The communication mechanism and the means adopted are the key aspects that determine the success of this phase and therefore they have to be well researched on and be relevant to the organization. The formulation and the communication phases are just the fist two steps which act as a guide toward the implementation phase in strategic planning. The implementation phase in strategic development can be described as the action phase. Therefore, as much as the formul ation and communication phase play important roles in the strategic development, much emphasis is placed on implementation.Formulation and implementation are a must and communication is considered a means to the success of the process. Thus the implementation phase is one of the most monitored and resource intensive phase in strategic development to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in delivery and thus the success of the entire strategic development. The importance of information in the modern information conscious society can never be under stated. As it is often the case, effective management of information system is not a Sunday afternoon walk on the beach.It is far from defined and is often filled with uncertainties. Furthermore, the benefits of automating the implementation have been too tempting for most organizations and thus the emergence of a system that allows for automation of the last two processes in strategic planning is seen as inevitable in organizations that are serious about staying afloat. The question is no longer about automation but rather about how to go about it. Problem Statement Two approaches to the development of automation for organization that are moving from a manual system have been adopted.An organization moving from an old system may choose to either develop their own or buy an already made system. There are several issue involved in deciding on whether to buy or to build a system and thus every organization must look at these factors keenly before making a decision as it has a great bearing on the effectiveness of the organization in meeting the needs of its customers and their expectation at the time of implementation and in future. Furthermore, such strategic decisions that affect an organization's future invariably have an effect on almost all aspects of the organization including the stakeholders.Development of in-house software requires long term commitment in terms of resources and time from developers who often have too much to do and not enough time (Jenny, 2004). On the other hand, if a company decides to purchase the software it effectively enters a long term business relation with a vendor who not only charge high amounts for the purchase of the license but a considerable chunk of the organizations finances will be directed towards the customization and installation of the software.The organization which is medium sized and in its active growth period faces a tough decision on the implementation of the software especially in consideration of the relative advantages and disadvantages of each approach. The advantages of building an automated help desk support system may include the reduction of the cost involved, moreover the organizations labor force are presented with a chance to understand the in details with regards to the working of the automated support system.Furthermore, the need for training of supports staff for information technology is eliminated as they are responsible for the s ystems existence and are thus well conversant on its operations. On the other hand, the disadvantage may include the need for IT labor can be significant in the organizations budget, furthermore the approach does not have any form of guarantee that will help the organization in recovery in case the system crashes as they are solely responsible for the existence and maintenance of the system.In addition, the approach is associated with a considerable amount of pain experienced by the customers and the end users of the system in case of system malfunction or lapse in performance. Lastly the building process can be so demanding on an in-house IT department or team that is not well conversed with the application that the organization intends to come up with. A decision to buy the office help support system involves a thorough survey and the calculation of the total cost involved in ownership, determination of the best software company and product and the actual purchase of the automated office support system (Coldwell, 1999).The determination of what the company needs is a very critical part in the decision making process as most individuals and executive often fail at this phase and instead state what the organizations wants. Moreover, the considerations on the financial stability of the software company and their level of experience all come in handy in the decision making process. After the determination of all these, the focus hen shifts to what the organization needs after which a purchase is made.Some of the benefits associated with this approach include increase in user satisfaction, well developed user support, reduced need for internal help support and easy access to support any time of the day. The disadvantages may include increased cost associated with training of staff on the use of the new software, furthermore the process of buying which is quite length may ignore some aspects leading to the purchase of a poor help support system. Lastly, customizat ion of the systems to meet the needs of the customers is done by an outsider which often lead to conflict of interest. Significance of the StudyUsing a help desk management software leads to the increase in efficiency in operation as it allows for the solution of some of the redundant issues over call. This has the effect of reducing traveling costs and man-hour billing to field engineers as they go to customer sites. Research Question The purpose of this research is to determine whether purchasing COTS or building a service desk tracking application is best for the automation and tracking of the GovComm, Inc. Engineering Support Services’ Helpdesk. To answer this question, this research must explore: ? The entities of GovComm, Inc.Engineering Support Services’ Helpdesk ? Based on advantages and disadvantages, which qualities of each configuration best adhere to Engineering Support Services automation and asset tracking; ? If these applications fulfill stakeholders' re quirements Design and Methodology This research is qualitative, drawing mostly from a review of the literature on the subject of Helpdesk/support desk tracking applications and the battle of building versus buying to determine which application structure provides efficient asset tracking, failure notification, and metrics collection. GovComm, Inc.’s Engineering Support Services will be reviewed to discover details that might affect the factors that will contribute to the decision of choosing build or buy. From the review of the internal workings of GovComm, Inc. ’s Engineering Support Services a decision will be made upon comparison with the inherent nature of the two systems of implementation. Chapter 2 Literature Review Automated office systems support (AOSS) is a model made up of teams of technicians in computer who are charged with the responsibility of providing a variety of support activities in a desktop computer environment and area networks for any organizatio n.To ensure the provision of high quality services and products, each of these teams must follow the processes, standard and procedures. A process referred to as quality assurances is used in monitoring and evaluation of the level of adherence to the procedures processes and standard in a bid to determine the potential quality that the product will attain. Therefore, QA involves review and audit of the services and activities as a means of verification of their compliance with the relevant procedures and standards so as to assure the appropriate results are seen.The question of whether to buy or build an AOSS is one of the very complex decisions that an organization has to deal with in its daily activities. It is in deed a perpetual dilemma for the organizations that are contemplating on automating their office activities. Buying implies purchasing an off-shelf Automated office systems support that are produced in mass by some software company, more often multinationals (Leopoldo, 1 999). The products typically contain contents that are not unique to a particular organizations or user population needs.Moreover, it is the general trend in the software industry to create new softwares that do no conflict with the existing and thus the technology can be implemented without conflict with the existing systems. Build imply the creation of Automated office systems support from scratch (Leopoldo, 1999). Therefore, the process of building requires the determination of the organizational needs, the data and information nature and needs of the organization, design of the system an the actual implementation of the system.The process of building may and often include testing the end product to ensure that its functionality are as per the objectives that acted as the basis for its formulation (Leopoldo, 1999). A decision to buy or build a Automated office systems support may seem to be complex but in reality it can be reduced to three considerations: Resources, Needs and uni queness. The organization must clearly determine its needs and wants before a decision is made, this may involve identification of features which are critical in meeting the organizations needs. In determination of the organizational needs they must consider the following:? Organizational objectives ? Skills ? Information needs ? Culture ? Corporate direction. Meeting all the needs is an impossible event and therefore setting priorities is inevitable. Resources Resource as a factor is one that many organizations and individual would quickly jump at an opportunity to ignore. However, examination of resources is a very important aspect to the development agenda. Moreover, many organizations make the mistake of viewing resource in the monetary dimension only. Although money as a resource is quite critical, two other pieces; time and personnel, need to be considered to complete the puzzle (Shrapre, 1999).Time When taken in the context of either building or buying a Automated office syst ems support, time takes the following into account: ? The time that will taken in decision making. ? The developmental time of the Automated office systems support including the time taken in testing. ? The time taken in rolling out the Automated office systems support or implement it within the organization. Analysis of organizations against the three time variables helps in the determination of the importance of time in deciding whether to buy or build. Decision makingThe time taken by the organization in making decision is quite varied and cannot be correctly determined as the nature of the problem and other variables that can never be determined nor controlled easily have a great bearing on the total time (Curan & Mitchell, 2001). The nature of the organization and the kind of decision to be made also have a bearing on the time taken. It time critical decision making the aspects of time is important and the challenge thus lies in coming up with sound decision within limited time (Curan & Mitchell, 2001).Most theories adopted in decision making leave out the time taken in selection of actions which is often considerable in organizations where the decisions are viewed differently by constituent members (Curan & Mitchell, 2001). Coming up with a solution that are made without consideration of a well carried out problem solving session could lead to solutions that lack in operational significance, thus any decision making should be aimed at finding the solution that is either associated with the least cost or most returns of the total costs (Curan & Mitchell, 2001).In coming up with the cost, organizations must include the cost and effort taken in thinking and coming up with a plan or a policy in determination of the time taken in decision making. The problem with time considerations is that complex problems may hinder the development of best solutions (Spezzano & Mertens, 1999). In some instances, coming up with the best solutions could be within organization s grasp but the cost associated with such may not be acceptable to the organization. The organizational structure plays a great role in the speed of the decision making process (Spezzano & Mertens, 1999).A structure whereby all members of the organization have to be involved is time consuming (Kaplinsky, 2007). Such an approach is inclusive and the decisions made from this approach are more likely to meet both the needs and wants of the organization. The implementation of such policies is often smooth as those charged with the responsibility of carrying out the policies are well aware of the good and thus have the motivation required for the implementation. The tread off in this approach is the time taken; the approach requires organization wide consultation and is time intensive.Getting the opinion of each and everyone in a medium or large organization and coming upon with a decision based on their varied views can be demanding on an organization's financial resources and time. Mos t organizations have adopted a mechanism where the executives and top managers exclusively take part in the formulation of the policies. Such an approach is time conscious and often leads to timely formulation of policies. Despite this, the relevance of the policies to the needs of the organization is brought into question as the people charged with the responsibility of implementation are not included in the formulation.Policies implemented through this mechanism often address what the organization wants rather than what it needs since organizations are best known by the people charged with the duty of policy implementation. Deciding on the correct approach is thus complicated as both time and relevance of decisions are very important, moreover, company heads have in a number of occasions made decisions that have turned out to be for the good of organizations without necessarily involving everyone, this complicates the issue even further.Therefore, organizations have to consider al l the factors inherent of their organization that affect the decision making effort and thus the cost of decision making associated with each approach before deciding on whether to buy or build Automated office systems support. Developmental Time The time taken in the development of Automated office systems support varies with the approach employed. Other factors inherent of an organization also play an important part in the determination of the total time the organization will take in coming up with a new system (Tapscott, 1998).The developmental time can be viewed in two contexts; the time taken in building an Automated office systems support and the time taken in buying an off-shelf Automated office systems support. The time taken in building a new Automated office systems support is generally larger than that taken in buying (Tapscott, 1998). Moreover, the factors that are influential on the overall time taken in building are more compared to those in buying.The total time taken in building is influenced by internal and external factors which include; the availability of resources, the organization and coordination of all those involved in the implementation of the project. The level and the availability of the required expertise within the organizations working environment is a consideration. The availability of the required software and hardware components necessary in coming up with Automated office systems support is fundamental. The software and the hardware components must be as per the required functionality set by the organization needs.Change in government policies and market trends may greatly affect the availability of the required components and thus have an effect n the developmental time (Tapscott, 1998). In addition the needs of the users often change with time and this may require the modification of components that are already in place which lead to delay. The time taken in buying a new system is highly dependent on external factors that a re not within the control of the organization (Tapscott, 1998). In most cases organizations lose time in this stage for reasons that are not within their reach or control.Buying as a process requires a well established resource base and a good legal framework to fully engage the system as a whole (Kenyon, 2001). The market conditions are influential on the speed of purchase and thus very important in the determination of the total developmental time. The actual location of an organization is also important in evaluating the total buying time. An organization in an urban setting find it easy to buy software and hardware components as the availability and cost associated with their purchase is small compared to those in a rural setting.Personnel This is also one of the most overlooked factors (Kenyon, 2001). In consideration of the personnel, decision on whether to buy or build an Automated office systems support requires company wide consultation (Kenyon, 2001). As organizations anal yses their resources they must determine what they have and the needed personnel required for the implementation of the Automated office systems support. The organization should determine the number of available technical staff available for the support.If organizations lack or anticipate a lack of personnel, they must decide on when and where the required staff will be obtained from, which may involve the determination of the cost of the support (Kenyon, 2001). Money Money is an important consideration in strategic development as it affects the nature of the budget. A limited or unlimited budget has a great bearing on the choice of whether to buy or build an Automated office systems support (Katzan, 2002). In consideration of the budget both individuals and organizations must consider the short and long term benefits that will be accrued by the implementation of either methods.This may also involve the analysis of the effects of the non-implementation of the alternative. The import ance of money is such that without it the project is non-existent (Levy, 2001). Therefore, organization are required to accurately estimate their resource requirements before a decision on whether to buy or build an Automated office systems support is made. The cost involved in both cases have to be estimated and any other factors that may affect the estimated cost determined.Moreover, since all factors can never be determined accurately, including a contingency or escape plan in the formulation of the original policy will ensure that the organization is well prepared for any eventuality (Kenyon, 2001). The effect of money on the total time taken also depends on the government policies, market and industry condition that can affect the availability of resources especially money (Carter, 1999). Expected change in areas that currently affect the availability of funds largely determines the feasibility of the project in future.The availability of additional funding and all the factors that affect it, which may include legal and political issues all play important roles. Uniqueness The nature of organizations differ and therefore their requirements may vary though the degree depends on the organizations being considered. A major consideration is thus the uniqueness of the needs of the organization. In determination of the uniqueness of an organizations needs the following have to be looked into: ? What are the needs of the organization? ? What are the objectives in the implementation of Automated office systems support What are the connections between the available of the shelf-software and the needed capabilities in what the organization looks for in Automated office systems support? ? Does the implementation of the system go in line with the industry and market needs? ? What is the relationship between the methodology of choice and the organizational culture? The determination of the answers to this question as per the context of the organization helps in coming up with the level of uniqueness needed for the Automated office systems support and thus plays a very important role in the determination of whether to buy or build.The needs of an organization are defined as its requirements to perform in the industry (Herbert & Sparck, 2004). The needs are thus the components that are necessary for the survival of a business in the industry that it is in. The needs are the basic components of the operational environment. Determination of the needs requires one to look deeply into the processes and establish their requirements, outputs, behavior and interaction before any modification aimed at the improvements of the processes is made.It is noteworthy that every process has a number of factors that affect it both from its external and internal environment. Moreover, every activity or operation than an organization may undertake in can be broken into a number of processes and thus determination of the needs of the organization is done effectively i n an efficient manner. The implementation of developmental agenda in any organization is best done through strategic planning (Buckingham, 2006). Strategic planning involves the formulation of a plan aimed at development of some project(s) so as to ensure organizational growth.Any plan that is developed with success in mind must have a well laid out action plan that is characterized by well intentioned and realistic objectives. It is important that the objectives of any plan be in line with the actual needs of the organization. Therefore, the objectives of the organization in coming up with an Automated office systems support must be established and documented clearly so that the guidelines in the implementation of the policies that arise as a result of the consideration of the objectives be in line with the organizational goals.Moreover, the objectives in the implementation of a plan differ according to the priorities of the organization and are therefore unique to the problem bein g addressed and the organizational approach to problem solving. After the determination of the exact needs of the organization, the available software and software components have to be evaluated. An important consideration is that in either case the organization has to buy either software components to, or the full Automated office systems support since the organization does not engage in the manufacture of softwares (Gibson, 2004).Thus, determination of the needs of the organization and the available software capability in meeting those needs must be established. Moreover, organizations must effectively determine any addition capabilities possessed by the available softwares that may enhance service delivery. These capabilities which meet the wants of the organization must be addressed clearly and effectively if the investment is to be a success. Industrial and market considerations also contribute a great deal in deciding whether to build or buy Automated office systems support.A n industry is defined as a collection of businesses and related economics (Gibson, 2004). The industry is thus one of the factors that is influential on the strategic development of any organization. Companies may choose to either go with the trends of the industry or adopt a trend that can be considered as being contrary, in either case there are pros and cons that must be considered. The effects of the trends in an industry do impact on its players. Moreover, how the effect is felt by the constituent members depend on their abilities and thus differs across the industry.An occurrence in an industry may be viewed by the sector players as an opportunity or a threat depending on their policies, resource base and technical capabilities (Gibson, 2004). Policies implemented by organization under the consideration of the industry may be aimed at measuring up to other players in the industry or gaining an edge over them. In either consideration the nature of the organization in question p lays a great role in the strategic direction adopted. The market is a very important consideration in deciding on what strategic direction an organization will adopt in pursuing its vision.Most organizations are in business for the sole aim of meeting their customers' needs and thus their strategies are often biased towards the achievement of this cause. The customers needs are an aspect of business that is nearly impossible to predict. The requirements and the expectation often shift with changes in technology, industry, preferences, fashion and taste. The social, environmental, legal, political and economic factors all have a great bearing on the market and thus on the decision.Moreover, in market considerations, expected growth in the future plays a central role in formulation of current market strategies. In consideration of the market needs, the policies formulated are often aimed at coming up with directions that will best meet the needs of the market so as to either match the other players or earn a reputation and thus a competitive advantage. Organizational culture Organizational culture is defined as the shared values and beliefs within an organization (Wilkes, 2000).The culture also comprises of the norms and beliefs and is thus an in build system within an organization (Wilkes, 2000). Thus organizational culture is specific to an organization and it defines the relationship and the nature of the interaction between members of an organization and is influential on the nature of the relationship with outsiders (Wilkes, 2000). The culture is also definitive of the goals that are set for each member of the organization and is seen to go in line with thee vision of the organization. From the clear definition, goals, guidelines or expectations are developed; these constitute the norms.The management may try to instill some kind of a culture on its employees, this type of culture is thus described as corporate culture and is more specific (Wilkes, 2000). T he classification of culture takes on diverse dimensions and therefore the analysis of the effects must also take on the same trend. The following are some of the factors that are used in classification of organizational culture: ? The expected differences in power levels. ? The extent to which the organizations members are willing to take risks. ? The level of collectivism or individualism in an organization. ? Gender aspects.? Orientation, which can either be short or long term. Any strategy that an organization comes up with must be within the organizational setting and thus be relevant to the organization culture. A clash between the strategies and the organizational culture will lead to the flop of any program, therefore all organizations must ensure that their development plans are in line with the culture, failure to which the implementation will be a flop. Support for the policies After the analysis of needs, resources and uniqueness, there is an additional factor that must be considered in coming up with a decision; support.The organizational support to the mode chosen is very critical in the determination of the success of the mode of choice in meeting the needs of the organization. This is because it affect how members of the organization receive the decision. Support can be categories into three: ? Upper level support ? Like/ Colleague level ? End user support Management The reasons for support by upper management staff and executives is quite clear. The main reason for their support is the power they posses in the implementation of the plan especially in resource allocation and policy formulation (Woodruff, 2005).Moreover, the obvious nature of the need to influence the top executives often lead to concentration on them and thus ignoring the other members. Organizations must ensure that such occurrence are minimized and if possible eliminated as they can cause failure of well intentioned plans. Colleagues This group is made up of all those that th e organization have to interact with in their daily undertaking (Woodruff, 2005). The importance of this group lies in counteracting the power that the organizations executives have on the decision making process.The support of the members of the organizations operational environment plays a very important role in influencing the decision. Therefore, enlightening the colleagues on the importance of Automated office systems support will go in line with drumming up support for the implementation of the approach of choice. In addition, enlightening the colleagues to understand the implementation of the plan, which it is meant for and the effect of its implementation on their jobs will go a long way in influencing their support.End Users Even though they have the power to influence the success of a plan, the end user are often ignored in lobbying for support (Woodruff, 2005). The end users have the power to render the plan a failure by deciding not to use the product, which will have th e effect of changing the attitude of the colleagues and the management executives on the effectiveness and efficiency of the adopted Automated office systems support acquirement mechanism.Moreover, the sabotage need not be intentional; the failure of the system may be due to their lack of understanding of why the product is necessary or as a show of their lack of support of the governance model adopted. Furthermore, the products failure in meeting the needs of the end user could lead to failure and thus the importance of the end user in deciding on whether to buy or build Automated office systems support can never be downplayed.The Decision Process Whenever an organization decides to buy, the decision is always an aftermath of a series of processes. The decision may be instantaneous or take a long time though buying is a process and not an event (Woodruff, 2005). No matter the length of the process the origin is when a company becomes aware of the need (Woodruff, 2005). The need is then identified and the organizations searches for avenues through which the needs can be met.In the process of information or data gathering, the criteria that will be used in buying affects the buying process and should therefore be evaluated and refined. It is advisable for organizations to choose a few alternatives that are considered to be the best from the lot. Once a decision in reached and a choice made the purchase is made which is another process that can be quite time consuming (Woodruff, 2005). In summary, the decision to buy can be broken into five stages in which the first three are also constituted in a decision to build:? Identification ? Searching ? Evaluation ? Decision ? Purchase ? Reevaluation i. Identification This is the phase in which the organization realizes that it has a need that can be met by an Automated office systems support. The identification could be as a result of the failure of the system that they are using, increased competition from their rival s who have automated or as a strategy to gain some competitive leverage on players in the industry who are still implementing the manual system or are using a poor automated system.ii. Searching This is more of a research phase where the organization analyses itself, processes together with the industry to come up with the aspects in which it is lacking (Woodruff, 2005). Moreover, the organization can establish areas in which it can improve in so as to aid the establishment of its presence in the industry. iii. Evaluation In this phase the results from the searching p
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Data and Information
Data and Information Data and Information Data and Information By Maeve Maddox A reader suggests addressing the difference between data and information. Both information and data are types of knowledge, a concept for which English has numerous words. The various words are used in different ways, according to context, but heres an effort to differentiate some of them. information knowledge obtained from investigation or communication. Detectives and journalists gather information. Just the facts, Mam. data [dÄ tÉ™, dÄÆ'tÉ™, dtÉ™] reliable information based on observation and record-keeping. Scientists, marketing specialists, and government agencies gather data. For a discussion of datum and data, see this DWT post on Latin plurals. fact something known to be true, or something that can be proved to be true. knowledge the condition of knowing. Knowledge is the whole package of what we have learned from the experience of living. It may or may not be factual. To my knowledge, the world is flat. Learning and erudition both indicate knowledge obtained from academic inquiry. An English professor who knows the language and literature of English and can also read Latin and a couple of modern languages can be said to have learning. The professor is learned [là »rnÄ d]. If the professor can also read Hebrew and ancient Greek and is well-read in several other academic disciplines, the word erudition [Ä•ryÉ™-dÄ shÉ™n, Ä•rÉ™-] applies. A person so steeped in learning is erudite [Ä•ryÉ™-dÄ «t, Ä•rÉ™-]. While its ok for a professor to be erudite, its not such a good thing for a poet. Many of T. S. Eliots poems are so erudite as to be pedantic. The general reader needs explanatory notes to understand them. Scholarship is often used to indicate all the learning, data, and informed opinion that exists in a certain area of study. Ex. Civil War scholarship, George Washington scholarship, motion picture scholarship. Lore is specialized knowledge above and beyond what most people know about a subject. Ex. movie lore, sports lore, computer lore. The word often suggests arcane learning. Ex. Gandalf is steeped in magical lore. Science is systematized knowledge Ex. the science of light, the science of photosynthesis. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely?Taser or Tazer? Tazing or Tasering?Starting a Business Letter with Dear Mr.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The History of Sao Paulo
The History of Sao Paulo So Paulo, Brazil is the largest city in Latin America, edging out runner-up Mexico City by a couple of million inhabitants. It has a long and interesting history, including serving as home base for the infamous Bandeirantes. Foundation The first European settler in the area was Joo Ramalho, a Portuguese sailor who had been shipwrecked. He was the first to explore the area of present-day So Paulo. Like many cities in Brazil, So Paulo was founded by Jesuit Missionaries. So Paulo dos Campos de Piratininga was established in 1554 as a mission to convert Guains natives to Catholicism. In 1556-1557 the Jesuits built the first school in the region. The town was strategically located, being between the ocean and fertile lands to the west, and it is also on the Tietà ª River. It became an official city in 1711. Bandeirantes In the early years of So Paulo, it became the home base for the Bandeirantes, which were explorers, slavers, and prospectors who explored the interior of Brazil. In this remote corner of the Portuguese Empire, there was no law, so ruthless men would explore the uncharted swamps, mountains and rivers of Brazil taking whatever they wanted, be it native slaves, precious metals or stones. Some of the more ruthless Bandeirantes, such as Antonio Rapà ´so Tavares (1598-1658), would even sack and burn Jesuit missions and enslave the natives who lived there. The Bandeirantes explored a great deal of the Brazilian interior, but at a high cost: thousands, if not millions of natives, were killed and enslaved in their raids.​​ Gold and Sugar Gold was discovered in the state of Minas Gerais at the end of the seventeenth century, and subsequent explorations discovered precious stones there as well. The gold boom was felt in So Paulo, which was a gateway to Minas Gerais. Some of the profits were invested in sugarcane plantations, which were quite profitable for a time. Coffee and Immigration Coffee was introduced to Brazil in 1727 and has been a crucial part of the Brazilian economy ever since. So Paulo was one of the first cities to benefit from the coffee boom, becoming a center for coffee commerce in the nineteenth century. The coffee boom attracted So Paulo’s first major wave of foreign immigrants after 1860, mostly poor Europeans (particularly Italians, Germans, and Greeks) seeking work, although they were soon followed by a number of Japanese, Arabs, Chinese, and Koreans. When slavery was outlawed in 1888, the need for workers only grew. So Paulo’s considerable Jewish community also was established around this time. By the time the coffee boom fizzled in the early 1900s, the city had already branched out into other industries. Independence So Paulo was important in the Brazilian independence movement. The Portuguese Royal Family had moved to Brazil in 1807, fleeing Napoleon’s armies, establishing a royal court from which they ruled Portugal (at least theoretically: in reality, Portugal was ruled by Napoleon) as well as Brazil and other Portuguese holdings. The Royal family moved back to Portugal in 1821 after the defeat of Napoleon, leaving eldest son Pedro in charge of Brazil. The Brazilians were soon angered by their return to colony status, and Pedro agreed with them. On September 7, 1822, in So Paulo, he declared Brazil independent and himself Emperor. Turn of the Century Between the coffee boom and wealth coming from mines in the interior of the country, So Paulo soon became the richest city and province in the nation. Railroads were built, connecting it to the other important cities. By the turn of the century, important industries were making their base in So Paulo, and the immigrants kept pouring in. By then, So Paulo was attracting immigrants not only from Europe and Asia but from within Brazil as well: poor, uneducated workers from the Brazilian northeast flooded into So Paulo looking for work. The 1950s So Paulo benefited greatly from the industrialization initiatives developed during the administration of Juscelino Kubitschek (1956-1961). During his time, the automotive industry grew, and it was centered in So Paulo. One of the workers in the factories in the 1960s and 1970s was none other than Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, who would go on to become president. So Paulo continued to grow, both in terms of population and influence. So Paulo also became the most important city for business and commerce in Brazil. So Paulo Today So Paulo has matured into a culturally diverse city, powerful economically and politically. It continues to be the most important city in Brazil for business and industry and lately has been discovering itself culturally and artistically as well. It has always been on the cutting edge of art and literature and continues to be home to many artists and writers. It is an important city for music as well, as many popular musicians are from there. The people of So Paulo are proud of their multicultural roots: the immigrants who populated the city and worked in its factories are gone, but their descendants have kept their traditions and So Paulo is a very diverse city.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Organization Structure and Work of Detroit Electric Case Study
Organization Structure and Work of Detroit Electric - Case Study Example Detroit Electric Company invests in outlining what work it requires to be done and then outsources the services of other companies. It does not do any design or manufacturing. The company maintains that this kind of organizational structure helps it escape capital expenses which may be too huge for it to afford at this point in time, bearing in mind that it is still at startup level. However, there is the indication that this company may slowly stop outsourcing its operations as time goes by and as their revenues continue to build on. This is due to the fact that they attribute their outsourcing arrangement to ‘avoiding capital costs which could be fatal to its start-up’ (p. 512). The reason why Detroit Electric chose to use this structure is to capitalize on the economic advantage that is brought by a division of work into highly specialized or precise jobs. The company realized that there was already the presence of specialized vehicle manufacturing companies such as Proton Holdings where manufacturing resources could be outsourced to. Proton Holdings was chosen to do the manufacturing activities of Detroit Electric because it had a modern production facility was committed to research and development, was cost-efficient, stable, and had a highly qualified labor force. Detroit Electric Company is on pace to present its electric vehicles to the market only three years after its inception. On the other hand, Ford will have taken forty years to produce a viable electric car by 2011. The pace of development in these two companies is affected by the organizational structures the two companies have deployed in their organizations. The organizational structure defines the manner in which the human resource is organized and their reporting arrangements.
Friday, November 1, 2019
The women used their voice as power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The women used their voice as power - Essay Example The paper pursues to comprehend the power of the female voice and sexuality as demonstrated by Miranda in â€Å"The Tempest†and Cunegonde in â€Å"Candide.†Miranda and Cunegonde have demonstrated that women should not remain quiet and submissive within the background. The two personalities mirror the mentalities of the men who court them, and to a level, create them. Miranda’s marriage to Ferdinand aids Prospero to regain his dukedom in The Tempest. Throughout both works, Cunegonde and Miranda come out as markedly florid and romanticized terms that imply the women are not what the protagonists identify them to be (Nelson 2). Voice is power filled with truth and love and can be regarded as an embodiment of the women’s strong spirit within the society. In the play, â€Å"The Tempest,†Miranda is the daughter of Prospero who falls in love with the Prince of Naples, Ferdinand. Miranda comes out as gentle and compassionate, but also passive and a heroi ne. Initially, Miranda displays meek and emotional nature; however, in the play final scene, Miranda she surprisingly comes out as forthright and powerful to the extent of complicating the reader’s constructions of her as naive. In The Tempest, a father isolates his daughter with the aim of protecting her from the terrible realities the world. Miranda enjoys all the privileges of her father’s reign over the island. ... Miranda’s relationship with a shipwrecked prince contributes to the reconciliation of the exiled Duke with the Milanese court. The romantic aspect of the play highlighted by the inclusion of most of the dialogue between Miranda and Ferdinand within the play-text, especially in Act 3. Miranda delivers a powerful speech to Ferdinand in Act III, Scene I in which she declares her undying love for him. Miranda uses this speech to propose marriage, but also practically insist on it. The demonstrates the power of her voice in which Miranda appears to break out of her predictable self as she has established under the influence of her father’s magic. The first instance features in Act I, scene 2, in which Miranda appears to arrive to a point at which she can no longer contain what she thinks. This does not arise from the fact that her desires are getting better, but rather Miranda realizes the requisite of expressing her desires. As a result, the naive girl who could hardly h old still long enough to listen to her father’s a long story in Act I, Scene 2 is replaced by an assertive, more mature woman at this moment. In the powerful speech Miranda proclaims her sexual independence by employing a metaphor that implies both a pregnancy and an erection, which appears to transform her all at once from a girl into a woman. Miranda in â€Å"The Tempest†uses her voice to carry the plot forward, whereby she pledges to be with Ferdinand regardless of the cost to herself (Shakespeare, Jonathan, and Eric 7). The power of Miranda’s voice features in Act II, Scene I, in which Miranda makes a marriage proposal to Ferdinand can be regarded Miranda’s second surprising moment. Miranda’s proposal follows her resolve to remember her
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