Sunday, May 24, 2020
How I Become A Mechanical Engineer - 958 Words
The career I have chosen was mechanical engineer. I choose this career because it contributes to many things and it has an essential role of shaping the future. I also choose this career because I have a interested in cars, video games, and other things of entertainment that are inspired by mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineers have a lot to do with the machines in your home like the refrigerator, thermostat, or your T.V. and many other things. I want to make machines as I will do in the future when I become a mechanical engineer. I am truly passionate about this career and I want to have a part in making our nation or communities. My first step is of becoming a mechanical engineer taking early classes on the career and the need classes in high school and going to college. Those regular classes are higher leveled math, physics, and chemistry. There are also some high schools have engineering programs available. I am also looking forward to taking internships. To become an engineer you must have a master’s degree or a bachelor’s or master’s in engineering, science, technology, mechanical engineering,or applied science. The difference in the bachelor’s or master’s is the amount of money you’ll make and gain a competitive advantage, but it’s about two years longer in college for the master’s. I am looking forward to the future of my life. I’ll take a lot of effort and I have to be very industrious with my work in school. The entry level of a mechanicalShow MoreRelatedCareer Research Paper : Career1444 Words  | 6 PagesResearch Paper The career I chose to undertake as my profession is that of a mechanical engineer. Why do I want to become a mechanical engineer? Well, for starters, I would be able to design, build and possibly repair many various machines and other technologies that are complex. These technologies can range from being already in use on a global scale to new, futuristic designs that are highly technical. Also, this career includes being a sort of jack-of-all-trades, where I would possess knowledgeRead MoreA Career in Mechanical Engineering Essay993 Words  | 4 PagesI have chosen the career of Mechanical Engineering for this research paper. The reason why I choose this career is because I am very interested in prototyping, designing, and building machines and other types of tools that we use in our daily lives. Mechanical engineers make people’s lives better and easier. I find this interesting inspires me to become one of them. This is why I choose this profession for my research paper. I will be going over five topics for this paper. These topics are: 1.Read MoreStatement of Purpose for an Education in Mechanical Engineering1247 Words  | 5 Pagesis to design my process to become a World Class Engineering student. This will help me become a better engineering student and In this report I will discuss my goals and plans to become a better engineering student. 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The shampoo you used this morning to wash your hair, the technology that cleans the water you drink, the buildings in which you live, work, and attend school, and the iPhone you use to communicate all involved the expertise of engineers in the initial design, building and testing, and final production. All engineers are problems solvers. The differences among engineers in varying disciplines are dependent on the types of problemsRead MoreThe Creation Of Careers Through Physics1270 Words  | 6 Pagesthe course of this research paper, I hope I can provide sustainable reasoning on why Physics can help us in the near future. This first careers I will be presenting will have to do with Kinematics, the word that most physics students are annoyed of hearing. Most high school students often dream about going into the engineering field. Some don’t know that this field itself uses physics, a lot. A specific career that often uses kinematics is a Mechanical Engineer. The field requires such precisionRead MorePersonal Statement : My Career Exploration1452 Words  | 6 Pagescareer exploration, I would like to start on the Meyers-Briggs personality test I got the letters ISFP which is introvert, sensing, feeling, perceiving. For the Holland personality test, my top three is social, entrepreneurial, and conventional. The information I got from the Meyers-Brigg and Holland personality test can help me find to improve and what not to do and how I can become a better person in my job and my family. For my career, I choose to be the mechanical engineer and get a job in likeRead MorePersonal Statement : Mechanical Engineering Degree1324 Words  | 6 PagesTechnology, I will be getting my major in mechanical engineering. With a mechanical engineering degree, I hope to someday qualify to become a professional engineer and work at a company like Boeing to design different parts used in planes, trains, and automobiles. I am content with my decision to major in mechanical engineering and feel like it is a good fit for me because it coincides with my many interests, abilities, and personality. My development of interest for wanting to become an engineer startedRead MoreThe Physics Of Mechanical Engineering924 Words  | 4 Pagesvaluable machines? Yes, I was that kid who would play with machines and take everything apart then put it back together. Being able to take a machine apart and rebuild it back together is like a feeling that you have accomplished a goal even though you just put the parts in the same place where they were before. How do planes fly in the sky? How do cars accelerate? I chose the major mechanical engineering to answer all these previous scientific questions. The definition of mechanical engineering is the
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Using Mademoiselle and Miss in French
The French courtesy title mademoiselle (pronounced mad-moi-zell) is a traditional way of addressing young and unmarried women. But this form of address, literally translated as my young lady, is also considered sexist by some people, and in recent years the French government has banned its use in official documents. Despite this sentiment, some still use mademoiselle in conversation, especially in formal situations or among older speakers. Usage There are three honorifics commonly used in French, and they function much the way Mr., Mrs., and Miss do in American English. Men of all ages, married or single, are addressed as monsieur. Married women are addressed as madame, as are older women. Young and unmarried women are addressed as mademoiselle. As in English, these titles are capitalized when used in conjunction with a persons name. They are also capitalized when functioning as proper pronouns in French and can be abbreviated: Monsieur M.Madame Mme.Mademoiselle Mlle Unlike English, where the honorific Ms. can be used to address women regardless of age or marital status, there is no equivalent in French. Today, youll still hear mademoiselle being used, though usually by older French speakers for whom the term is still traditional. It is also occasionally used in formal situations. Most younger French speakers do not use the term, particularly in large cities like Paris. Guidebooks sometimes advise visitors to avoid using the term as well. Instead, use monsieur and madame in all cases. Controversy In 2012 the French government officially banned the use of mademoiselle for all government documents. Instead, madame would be used for women of any age and marital status. Likewise, the terms nom de jeune fille (maiden name) and nom dà ©pouse (married name) would be replaced by nom de famille and nom dusage, respectively. This move wasnt entirely unexpected. The French government had considered doing the same thing back in 1967 and again in 1974. In 1986 a law was passed allowing married women and men to use the legal name of their choice on official documents. And in 2008 the city of Rennes eliminated the use of mademoiselle on all official paperwork. Four years later, the campaign to make this change official on a national level had gained momentum. Two feminist groups, Osez le fà ©minisme! (Dare to be feminist!) and Les Chiennes de Garde (The watchdogs), lobbied the government for months and are credited with persuading Prime Minister Franà §ois Fillon to support the cause. On Feb. 21, 2012, Fillon issued an official decree banning the word. Sources Darrieussecq, Marie. Madame, Mademoiselle: In France These Are About Sex, not Respect., 24 February 2012.Samuel, Henry. Mademoiselle Banned on Official French Forms., 22 February 2012.Sayre, Scott. ‘Mademoiselle’ Exits Official France., 22 February 2012.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Describe the Role of Hr Professionals in Designing Free Essays
Introduction This question asks to address how bullying policies and procedures are a task of HR to implement in the workplace therefore this answer will define exactly what bullying is, what policies should be in place and any recommendations for the occurrence of bullying in the workplace. Relevant case examples will be used to support the argument along with relevant referenced authors, on this topic. On concluding, how bullying can be prevented will be reflected on after stating what the future may hold for bullying in the workplace. We will write a custom essay sample on Describe the Role of Hr Professionals in Designing or any similar topic only for you Order Now What is bullying? Since the shift from Uni-cultural societies to multi-cultural societies in recent times, there has been a significant decrease in perceived inequalities in the workplace. However, the issue of bullying is still prominent in many organisations, (especially throughout Ireland today). Baillien et al. (2009) defines bullying as persistent negative behaviour at work in which the victim is subject to psychological, physical or sexual acts by the perpetrator and often find themselves in a position where they are unable to defend themselves. The analysis carried out found that bullying, or some form of harassment, was likely to occur out of one of three pathways: interpersonal frustrations, interpersonal conflict and intragroup level. The problem with the latter is that the culture of gossip within organisations has become a norm and hence the certain behaviours by perpetrators may often be overlooked. Although bullying is often associated with actions that people carry out, it also includes actions that individuals fail to do such as providing necessary training to a particular employee. For example, if new technology is introduced into the firm, extra training will be required. Hence, if bullying of a certain employee was occurring, this may lead to their deprivation of sufficient training which in turn will have a negative consequence for the entire firm. ) Within Maslow (1943) hierarchy of needs framework, safety needs are crucial to all employees and the victimisation due to bullying will prevent the fulfilment of t his need in the workplace. As a result, low productivity and low morale may be present within the workforce. Policies/Procedures As the question states, it is the task of the HR department to ensure the design implementation of policies and procedures to prevent or deal with the occurrence of workplace bullying. The event hierarchy of the bullying (reference) intervention process has three levels: the prevention zone which involves policy enquiries by the target, the intervention zone which begins with an informal complaint and may lead to a formal complaint, and the failure zone where legal action is taken. In order to prevent an employee reaching the highest level and engaging in legal action, it is the responsibility of HR to assist in dealing with the problem immediate to the first complaint. Bullying/Harassment must be occurring in the workplace as opposed to personal life conflicts between workers in order for HR to manage the situation but studies carried out in this area have shown that senior level management are often weak in dealing with issues of bullying or harassment. (Baillien et al. 009) Consequently, when HR is implementing practices, they need to ensure the co-operation and comprehension of senior level managers in this area. There are three main actions HR can take in order to reduce bullying situations. Firstly the implementation of clear, concise policies needs to be carried out which state unacceptable behaviours classed as bullying or harassment and the procedures an individual may take if found subjected to this behaviour. In addition to this, a Code of Conduct sh ould be established in order to set out training procedures for employees and management as a means of preventing 7workplace bullying. Within management training, conflict resolution and mediation skills need to be provided in order to act effectively. During the recruitment of management in an organisation, it is vital to ensure they have people management skills along with task related competence. Finally, often the most important thing HR and senior managers can do is lead by example. If policies and procedures are implemented but managers are not behaving in a way that complies entirely with these, then this could lead to adverse effects by subordinates. Example One primary example of where HR failed to act on behaviour of a new employee that initially was unacceptable by the firm but resulted in unacceptable behaviour to moral society was in relation to Rob Parsons within Morgan Stanley. (Burton, 1998) Parsons was hired to achieve a growth implementation strategy as Nasr believed he was the man to do it. However, a culture of strict policies and procedures within the organisation meant that Parsons Non-compliance immediately stood out. Initially, he was not involved with bullying but was seen as a ‘lone wolf’ within the firm, significantly seen through his inability to perform within a team. As time lapsed, HR and Parsons Management failed to confront him on his behaviour and essentially allowed the collapse of their organisational policies for him due to the fear he may leave the firm. Eventually, he was fired as a result of a bullying case that occurred at a client meeting. He had been making unacceptable critical remarks to a fellow female employee of the firm, humiliating her in front of the client. Hence, the occurrence of Parson’s psychological bullying was finally evident and may have been prevented if HR followed through with their policies with all employees including Rob Parsons. Future of Workplace Bullying Due to the increase of technology, the working environment now often extends into the realm of personal life. In effect, this may cause the enabling of workplace bullying to stretch further than the perimeter of the four walls of the organisation and in particular, social networking sites are a primary target for the extension of this bullying. However, since present policies and procedures focus on ‘workplace bullying’, victims may be limited to the actions they can take. With the growth in the integration of personal and work life, HR may be unable to re-address their policies to include outer work boundaries due to legal constraints. Although, conversely it may be easier to identify and prosecute the perpetrators of bullying or harassment if the behaviour extends to personal life, such as through social networking sites. Conclusion Bullying and harassment is often a topic ignored within the workplace as victims sometimes feel ashamed and managers choose not to deal with the problem. However it is the responsibility of HR to ensure these practices are implemented and abided by all, including management. Failure to do this will undoubtedly lead to extensive consequences such as reputational damage to the firm, direct costs including replacement costs and indirect costs such as low productivity. Although not a continuing case of bullying, the Morgan Stanley case briefly highlights how the failures of HR and senior management to address his unacceptable behaviour from the outset led to undesired effects, including his removal from the firm and legal action by a fellow employee. All in all, the prevention of workplace bullying can be assisted by appropriate practices carried out by HR. How to cite Describe the Role of Hr Professionals in Designing, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Good vs Bad free essay sample
There are no absolutes when it comes to the idea of whether human beings are â€Å"good or bad, or a combination of both†(Thiroux amp; Krasemann, 28). It is difficult to define what is good and what is bad but our society has a general consensus of what those terms mean. If you shoot somebody without cause, it is deemed bad. If you donate to charity, it is seen as a good action. I believe that when a human being is born, he or she is born a good being. The only thing you know at that point in your life is that you need to survive to continue to live. From that point on, the bad in you begins to grow depending on what you encounter in life. It then becomes an individual choice on whether one allows the good or bad to overcome one another. Although there are many variables, in the end I believe human beings are essentially good. We will write a custom essay sample on Good vs Bad or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The biggest proof that human beings are good is the creation of society. Without being ethical and moral, humans could not create and maintain such an idea and way of life. If you look at our society today, it has been created to benefit the greater good. Those ndividuals that we as a society view as unethical and immoral are outcast in one way or another. Such is the case with criminals who are imprisoned due to their bad actions. You could say that a society could be created with only bad individuals in it. Although this is possible, I believe that a â€Å"bad†society would eventually self destruct or cause an outside force to destroy them. Such is the case with the Nazis. They were successful in achieving a certain way of life but were eventually destroyed. Another way of looking at good and evil is by looking at how the human body functions. We see life as being good and death as being bad. Our human biology’ sole purpose is to keep us alive. A perfect example of this is the process a woman goes through when she Good Vs Bad 3 becomes pregnant. During pregnancy, the woman’s body starts working to grow and nourish the life within her. This action or process could not be seen as bad in any way. Even after the baby is born, the human body knows that it needs to create food for the baby in the form of breast milk. The above happens just so that baby can continue to live. Again, we see life as being good. The last reason why I believe human beings are essentially good is that when brought own to the core, the choices we make in life are made to achieve happiness. I believe that you have to be good in order to have the best chance at reaching that goal. Along with the idea of happiness is the idea of being conscientious. Many times, your conscience is what determines whether you make a good or bad decision. There are many times when human beings act against their conscience because of choice or necessity. In these cases, one cannot truly be happy.
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